Everything You Need To Know About This Year's Winners Announcement

November 14, 2020 12:00 AM ‐ Awards

This article is more than three years old.

We'll be announcing the winners for this year's Paranormal Entertainment Awards in a 40 minute live stream at 8pm on Sunday, November 29 and you can watch it right here.

Paranormal Entertainment Awards 2020 Neon Logo
Earlier this month we asked you to help us pick the winners of this year's Paranormal Entertainment Awards by voting for your favourite supernatural entertainment of 2020.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. We have received over 75,000 votes across the 15 categories which will honour everything from individual best supernatural movies and ghost hunting shows, through to your top haunted locations.

We're currently counting and verifying your votes and will be ready to announce this year's winners in a live stream right here at 8pm on Sunday, November 29.

When Will The Winners Be Announced?

The silver and gold winners of the 15 main categories and the winners of our two special categories, Coronavirus Community Spirit Award and Paranormal Unsung Hero, will be announced at 8pm on Sunday, November 29 in a 40-minute-long awards show hosted by Kevin Hughes.

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Where Can I Watch The Announcement?

The video will premiere right here on Higgypop at 8pm, we'll also be sharing the link on our Facebook and Twitter pages. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to ensure you don't miss out.

How Long Will The Live Stream Last?

The awards presentation will last for 40 minutes and will include a few surprises including some familiar faces from the paranormal world, interviews with the winners of our two special categories, and reaction from fans and other members of the paranormal community.

Do The Winners Get A Trophy?

Not a trophy as such, but all of the silver and gold winners will be sent a stylish acrylic award block to commemorate their achievement.

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